Legacy Integration
One of the main banking groups in Europe, leader in Italy in all banking and credit sectors: retail, corporate and wealth management.
The Consultancy part is not available for Head Offices users, and this prevents the exchange of information and dialogue at all levels of the Business chain, depending on their different roles. The commercial process has become fragmented due to the various evolutions made to the software over the years, resulting in not easy and immediate use. The architecture, which is not flexible according to current multi-channel needs, does not favor the exchange of information envisaged by the current service model for the operations of commercial coverage teams.
Develop an application as a "new operational access point" for the management of the manager's BAU by integrating information from other Bank tools and providing a clear and immediate picture of the activities to be carried out as a priority.
Improve the tool that currently supports the relationship between the manager and the customer into a new one that can support the relationship between the Bank (Managers, Specialisst, Channels, etc.) and the Customer.
Improve collaboration synergies in the customer management team. Saved business time for the manager with proactive schedule management and an integrated agenda. Increased the effectiveness of the commercial proposal by simplifying customer analysis, optimizing the commercial effort, synthesis of commercial performances and sharing and dialogue at all levels of the supply chain.
IBM DataStage projects

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